◊ 2014 The Chinese New Year of the Horse
◊ Kotaka Sukesaburo (Minamotono) Sadayasu Sadao (1933-2013)
◊ Living National Treasures
◊ 2013 The Chinese New Year of the Snake
◊ 2012 The Chinese New Year of the Black Water Dragon
◊ Historical Examination of Master Nakamura Shigeru (1894-1969)
◊ The Surprising Connection Between North Korea's Strange Succession Plans and the Martial Arts
◊ "Mixed Martial Arts" on the High Seas
◊ The Most Important Japanese Goju-ryu Master You've Never Heard Of
◊ Karate Precepts and "Dojo Kun" (Part 1)
◊ Karate Precepts and "Dojo Kun" (Part 2)
◊ Karate Precepts and "Dojo Kun" (Part 3)
◊ Karate Precepts and "Dojo Kun" (Part 4)
◊ Yabu Kentsu and His "Lost" Son
◊ Early Undiscovered Likenesses of Matsumura Sokon and Itosu Yasutsune?